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    Bridge building 修橋


    I do not think I need to define the use of a bridge here.


    Recently I noticed that some postings mentioned that their English skills are very rusty and some even said rotten.  Actually my Chinese writing skill was in those stages before.  This is the place to practice; you may be surprise that you are still very skillful.  This is not a school, no tuition at all.  If you do not feel inferior to ask, this is the place to learn disregarding your background.

    幾個月前,我回過一張帖子(內容已忘記了)。我用繁體字,因為我的電腦只裝有繁體字。當時,我看到有些反應。但版主(我相信是衛東)說歡迎繁簡體字,甚至英語。我當然歡迎這樣的看法。近日,更有位宗親說 (我想是慶華),大家是看得懂繁體字的。

    A few months ago, I replied a certain posting (sorry forgot the subject). I used traditional instead of the simplified characters (traditional character is the only form installed in my computer). I saw some comments. However I noticed that a leader (I think it was Weidong) said it is acceptable to use both type of characters and even English. Certainly it is the most welcomed statement. Recently, another response from a kin in China expressed that traditional characters are understood.  


    Right after the addition of the North America page, I announced that good news to all kin members.  Some told me they visited the site; they appraised it. Personally I think it is a benefit to educate us, the overseas, about the family. Honestly, we are descendants, but we know very little about the history of the family. It is very difficult to search a specific topic outside of China.  I learnt a lot about the glorious events happened in the family from the website.  


    I discussed with a few kin members about the website. Mostly they said in the web there are a lot of materials and very educational, but they could not send or reply except reading only.  Our hardships are listed here: some do not know how to connect to internet, only depending on their children to help; some have not Chinese software; some do not know how to use the Chinese program; some said the Chinese writing skill is very rusty; some could not do it just because of long working hours and tired. Certainly some have no computer at all (the telephone is the only means to make contact with the outside).
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      I know those descendants borne in America or Canada cannot fully understand materials posted in the site. Currently our website is written in Chinese. Not every one of our kin families in America and Canada knows Chinese as well as English. Some parents having no problem in reading Chinese may not be able to explain adequately in English. I hope in the near future, we can translate some important and related materials to English.  (I hope authors of those articles forgive our burglary.) By the conversion, it may be the way to stimulate their interest. I hope there would be some replies too. If those responses were important, we will translate it to Chinese。I sincerely hope that our kin members, in China or overseas, having interest to participate, join us as a cultural bridge-building engineer, to connect the Chinese and English languages and leveling off the generations gap in our family.  


      In here I have to thank Weidong one more time in setting up the North America Division page and starting the Chinese/English bilingual practice. Although he is young (comparing to me), but he has a vision. Give him time; Weidong would be an outstanding person in our Confucius family. Besides, the great help of Annie (the English name of Lingyi) is also heartily appreciated. I know she is one of our great bilingual “ENGINEERS”.
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        谢谢宗长! 我会尽力的。

        I will do my best.
        我也有微博了 http://www.weibo.com/u/2010949681
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          I am greatly moved by Chieftain Hinhung's resolution and efforts he made.I had planned to translated the important articles and posts into English and actually I tried one, which has been posted here.However, I found it is a time-consuming project, impossible for me to complete alone.It will be too much for anyone here. But if every one of us do his or her own bit here, it would be a great goal,not difficult to reach.
          谱名:孔祥东| 衢州派五支 子宣公后 | 新浪博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiangdong75    
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            衛東,多謝同意。為減少重複,增加成果起見,可否設立一項流水帳式的翻譯記錄或表,列明該篇受翻譯的文章,來源,標題,原作者。例如﹕譯自宗彥賢達;孔子生平,論壇主編。 (我正在翻譯該篇,不要重複)採用現時網頁形式便可,有如宗親總會成立照片項一樣,但要固定地設在頁首。可否同意試試?  憲章。  

            Weidong, thanks to agree.  In order to reduce duplication but to increase effort, should we set up a logbook/tally or like, listing the source, title and author of the article to be translated? (See example below).  The current format, just like the pilgrimage photography heading, is adequate, but in a fixed position on top of listings. Should we try it?  Hin Cheung.

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              Good idea. I'll arrange this tomorrow.
              谱名:孔祥东| 衢州派五支 子宣公后 | 新浪博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiangdong75    
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