孔繁翔 1957年11月生,教授 博士 环境学院副院长
主要研究方向:环境生物学 分子生态毒理学
Kong, FX., Liu, Y. Chen, HD., Aluminum toxicity and nutrient utilization in the mycorrhizal fungus Hebeioma mesophacus. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxico., 1997, 59:125-131
Kong, FX., Liu, Y. Zhou, CL., Biochemical and cytological responses of ectomycorrhizae in Pinus massoniana to artificial acid rain. Chemosphere, 1998, 37: 179-187
Kong, FX., Hu,W. Liu, Y., Molecular structure and biochemical toxicity of four halogeno-benzenes on the unicellular green alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Environ. Experi. Botany, 1998, 40:105-111
Kong, FX., Shang, WL. Hu, W. Li, JJ., Physiological and biochemical response of Scenedsmus obliquus to combinded effects of Al, Ca and low pH. Bulletin.Environ. Contam. Toxico., 1999, 62(2): 179-186
Kong, FX., Hu, W. Chao SY Shang, WL. Wang, LS., Physiological responses of lichen Xanthoparmeli amexicana to the oxidative stress of SO2. Experiment of Environ. Botany, 1999, 42:201-209
Kong, FX., Liu, Y. Hu, W., Wang, LS., Biochemical responses of mycorrhizae in Pinus massoniana to combined effects of Al, Ca and low pH. Chemosphere, 2000, 40(3):311-318
孔繁翔,低浓度二氧化硫对云杉幼苗中碳水化合物代谢的影响研究 应用生态学报1996,7: 99-102
孔繁翔,胡伟 李继军 刘营,低pH及铝钙比对斜生栅藻谷胱甘肽含量影响 环境化学 1998, 17:422-427
桑伟莲 孔繁翔,植物修复研究进展 环境科学进展 1999,7:40-44
孔繁翔 刘营 王连生,沈萍萍,周崇莲,酸沉降对马尾松菌根共生蛋白及营养关系的影响研究 环境科学 1999,20 (6): 1-5
联系地址: E-mail: kongfx@jlonline.com