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    • 积分7367
    • 经验103783
    • 文章6291
    • 注册2003-09-18
    Announcement to All Family Members on Continuation of Genealogy of Confucius' Family

       Confucius, our ancestor, has been adored as the Consummate Saint Master down through the history and honored as a great ideologist and educationist in modern times. His ideology has laid immense, profound and lasting influence upon China after him and even the whole oriental culture.

       The prevenient 2500 years has beheld the 82 generations of our Confucius' family descending down from Confucius and a prosperous family developed, with estimatedly over three million living members dwelling in Qufu, Shandong and having emigrated to all parts of China and even abroad. In the past 2580 years, the ancestral lines has been recorded detailedly in the genealogy books. Therefore, the Genealogy of Confucius' Family precedes all other existing genealogies with its long history, elaborated family branches, extensive compilation, examined verities, consummate style and integrated preservation, providing Confucianism and genealogy study with important fundamental information, which all benefit from unceasing continuations in history.

       Since Ming Dynasty, a family stipulation has been followed that a complete continuation should be carried out in every 60 years and a elementary one in every 30 years. It has been over 60 years since the previous continuation, which was presided by the revered Mr. Kong Decheng, the 77th-generation family chief (titled Duke Yansheng in history), started in 1930 and completed in 1937. Additionally, the few family members who know something about our genealogy all age above 60. Wherefore, a new continuation is of top urgency.

       Therefore, on approval of the revered Mr. Kong Decheng, initiated by 77th-generation brothers of “De” generation sequence from the consanguineous branches of the chief one (totaling five branches, commonly known as “Five Ning's”), “Working Society of Continuation of Genealogy of Confucius' Family” has hereby been established in Hong Kong for facilitation of communication with family members abroad to sponsor the current continuation and preside over relevant matters.

       In accordance with traditional stipulations, expenditure of the current continuation will be shared by all family members, who are summoned to participate together enthusiastically into this grand event to continue the genealogy of our Confucius family with faithful solidarity, close collaboration and generous donations.

    Continuation of Genealogy for Confucius Society
    Commitee of Continuation of Genealogy of Confucius' Family
    June 1, 1998
    谱名:孔祥东| 衢州派五支 子宣公后 | 新浪博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiangdong75    
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